
Montepulciano D’Abruzzo Harimann DOC


Montepulciano D’Abruzzo Harimann DOC
Winery: Pasetti
Region: Abruzzo
Grape: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo
Production Area: Pescosansonesco (Pescara) at 550 mts. a.s.l.
Appellation: DOC
Serving Temperature: Let the wine rest at least 10 days after its arrival. It should be served in middle glasses at a temperature of 18 C.
Alcohol Strength: 15/15,5% by vol.

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食品酒類咨詢 9407 9639




Persistent in the mouth matches perfectly with rich and complex dishes like heavy read meats, game and very seasoned cheeses. It also has the right temperament to be enjoyed alone as meditation wine and, why not, even together with chocolate.

Montepulciano d´Abruzzo Harimann is obtained by crushing Montepulciano d’Abruzzo grapes produced in old vineyards with a yield of about 70 quintals per hectare. Grapes are picked up during the first decade of November. Then they are crushed and soaked for a period of about 25/30 days in steel tanks and after a short storage, the wine ages for about 24 months in oak barrels. The word Harimann comes from the ancient lombard language and indicates a group of free men with full civil rights that military served Kings or Dukes in defence of the Lombard kingdom. These men were granted with land in order to be cultivated and defended; this land was normally nearby the cities or in some other strategic area. The “Arimanni” were kind of professional brigades with a high salary directly dependent from the lombard institutions. Normally displaced in the most risky areas, they formed a ready military force that could fight against external enemies as well as against internal ones being assigned also with police tasks. The Harimann members, being in a position of power in comparison with the native populations, also had administrative, political and economical functions that contributed to fortify the stability of the Lombard reign. Vinification: red vinification with a skin contact for at least 25 days. Fermentation occurs with selected yeasts. Malolactic fermentation is spontaneous. Ageing: 12 months in steel tanks, 24/36 months in new barrels and then 18 months in the bottle.

Tasting Notes:
Colour: Ruby red wine with a clear texture Nose: Violet, Withered flowers, Cherry, Plum, Black Cherry, Blackberry, Walnut Husk, Hazelnuts, Caramel, Tobacco, Leather, Liquorice, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Cloves, Chocolate and Coffee Palate: It’s warm, soft, balanced by an excellent acidity, very persistent, with elegant and evolved tannins. It’s a fleshy, chewable and quite pasty wine. Strong and powerful, it represents the evolution of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. Harimann can be tasted about 8 years after its harvesting and it shows its best qualities even after 15-20 years.










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